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- @{node A Seminar on Majic 12 - Bill Cooper}
- A Seminar on MAJIC 12 by Milton William Cooper
- November 17th, 1989
- Fellow Computer Enthusiasts, 24/11/89
- What follows is a transcript of a 45 minute lecture that I attended on
- 17/11/89 at the "Whole Life Expo" in Los Angeles, California. Speaking was Mr.
- Milton William Cooper with whom I first became acquainted through a text file I
- downloaded from a local computer BBS. The file dealt with the subject of UFO's
- and our government's concealment of the truth about them in such a way that it
- made a lasting impression on me, which is why I attended his lecture; to learn
- more. Please forgive my probable misspelling of some of the proper names in
- the transcript which follows and allow that I have taken it as best I could,
- word-for-word, from a less than acceptable micro-cassette recording. If you
- are as moved by what you are about to read as I was in hearing it first-hand, I
- ask that you please spread it as far and wide as possible. Upload it to every
- BBS in your reach and please, don't change anything. Also, please give
- considerable thought to Mr. Cooper's suggestions as to what we all can do to
- see that this information is confirmed by our government to make them stop what
- they are up to.
- Thank you, and now, Milton Cooper:
- "@{font 5}For those of you who don't know who I am, I was raised in a military
- family. My family, my ancestors, since they came to this country, have been
- government people. We have served in the military, we have been patriots, we
- have fought in all the wars, we care about this country and believe in the
- constitution of the United States. We know, as many people don't know, that
- the Constitution of the United States of America IS the United States of
- America ! And that's why we've always been ready ...to do the things needed
- ...to preserve and protect it.
- When I left home I went into the Air Force, the Strategic Air Command.
- As a child I'd heard stories from my father and pilots, other pilots, my father
- was a pilot, about Foo Fighters, UFO's, strange craft that were not made on
- this Earth. And as a kid, you hear that in passing, and it's neat, and you
- giggle about it, and you go out and play `Space Man', and you forget it.
- When I was in the Air Force I met men who had participated in alien
- crashed-craft recoveries. Now this intrigued me; it interested me, but it was
- usually after quite a few bottles of beer that these stories would come out,
- and sometimes the next morning I couldn't remember what the heck the guy said.
- When I left the Air Force I went into the Navy, and this is where
- everything began to happen for me. I had originally intended to just go from
- service to service and do something that very few people have ever done before.
- I was a very adventurous, very crazy ...young man, and I thought that that
- would be a pretty exciting life. I volunteered for submarines, and while on
- the submarine, U.S.S. Tyroot, SS-416, on a transit between the
- Portland/Seattle area and Pearl Harbor, which was our home port; the Pearl
- Harbor sub base, as the port lookout I saw a craft, saucer shaped, the size of
- a Midway class carrier, aircraft carrier, for those of you who don't know how
- big that is; it's huge, come up out of the water approximately 2 1/2 nautical
- miles off the port bow, which is about 45 degrees to the left of the pointy end
- of the submarine. It tumbled slowly on its own axis, and went up into the
- clouds. It appeared to be moving slowly to me at a distance of 2 1/2 nautical
- miles but, in reality it was moving pretty fast because it came up out of the
- water, did a few tumbles and it was gone !
- I then reported it to the officer of the deck. I didn't tell him what
- it was that I saw because my Daddy didn't raise no fools and in case nobody
- else saw it I didn't want to be the only looney onboard the ship. So I asked
- the officer of the deck to help me cover that area, and he did, which is common
- for officers and lookouts to help each other while on bridge watch because they
- all hang together if something bad happens. After a few seconds of watching,
- the same craft, or another craft exactly like it, came down out of the clouds,
- tumbled again on its own axis, and went into the water. Ensign Ball, who was
- the officer of the deck, was literally shocked! What could I say? Seaman
- Dejeralimo, who was the starboard lookout, had also witnessed this, and ensign
- Ball called the captain to the bridge who was followed by the chief
- quartermaster who brought a 35mm camera, and we watched for between 7 and 10
- minutes the same craft, or different craft that looked exactly alike, enter and
- leave the water. It was an incredible show. I don't know if they knew we were
- there, or if they even cared, but the craft did not glow, they were metal, they
- were machines without a doubt, they were obviously intelligently guided, they
- were HUGE, and having been in the Air Force and the Navy and knowing what it
- takes, I knew without a doubt, and know it today, that that machine was not
- made on the face of this Earth. Because there's nothing that man can make,
- that can fly through the air at a speed like that, tumble on its own axis, and
- enter the water and effectively fly beneath the sea.
- If you've ever been aboard an airplane and then gone aboard a
- submarine.....I know there's probably some of you in this room who have visited
- a submarine at one time or another.....you can readily see just.....without
- even any of the technicalities involved.....how difficult such a thing would be
- to do. Where would it be built that size ? It was absolutely incredible. It
- changed my life because then all the stories that I'd heard all my life I knew
- were true, and I began seeing the world in a different light.
- It wasn't long after that I was trained by Naval security in
- intelligence. I was sent to Viet Nam. I was assigned as a patrol boat
- captain, first in DaNang harbor, given a crew and a multimillion dollar patrol
- boat. My job was to gather intelligence from the people who lived around the
- harbor and the fishermen who transited the harbor, and maintain the safety and
- security of the harbor and the shipping. After about 5 months I was sent up
- North to the DMZ, to a place called Qua Vieaf [sp], on the Tacan [sp] river.
- Our base camp was at the river mouth. We were only 3 miles South of the North
- Vietnamese border and our job was to patrol the Tacan river from the river
- mouth to Dong Ha, and then up the Quang Tri cutoff to Quang Tri city, again to
- get to know the people on the bank, gather intelligence, and to patrol every
- night and maintain the safety and security of the river and the river traffic.
- It was while there that I discovered that there was a tremendous amount
- of UFO and alien activity in Viet Nam. It was always reported in official
- messages as `enemy helicopters.' Now any of you who know anything about the
- Viet Nam war know that the North Vietnamese did not have any
- helicopters.....especially after our first couple of air raids into North Viet
- Nam. Even if they had they would not have been so foolish as to bring them
- over the DMZ because that would have insured their demise. Our troops were
- fired on occasionally by these `enemy helicopters'; enemy troops were fired on
- occasionally by these `enemy helicopters,' and occasionally people would
- disappear. And on one instance that I know for sure at least one entire
- village disappeared one night due to alien activity. The reason they used the
- term `enemy helicopters' in messages and dispatches was that in Viet Nam you
- could be overrun at any time, no matter where you were. We did not bring
- crypto encoding equipment into Viet Nam. I'm talking about the machinery.
- What we did is we had crypto tables, and once every 24-hours those codes would
- be no good. So that's what we used. Also, because of the inability to use
- crypto transmitting equipment, we had to devise code words such as `enemy
- helicopters.'
- When I left VietNam I was eventually attached to the headquarters staff
- of the Commander in Chief of the United States Pacific Fleet at Macalappa, (sp)
- Hawaii, which is a little hill overlooking Pearl Harbor. It's a beautiful
- white building up there, and I was specifically attached to the Intelligence
- Briefing Team of the Commander in Chief of the United States Pacific Fleet.
- It was during this tour of duty that, in the course of my duties,
- documents were placed in my hands that were so unbelievable and so incredible
- that it took me quite a while to adjust to the fact that what I was seeing was
- real. Now for those of you who don't understand how I could come to see this
- information let me give you a little short course in security clearance and
- "the need to know" and how you get to see classified information if you're in
- the military or in the government, it doesn't matter which, the rules are the
- same.
- Number One: you need a security clearance, and you've got to have
- clearance at the level that the information you want to see is classified at.
- In this instance it was classified `Top Secret, Magic, Restricted Information,'
- which I came to find out later is the highest security classification in the
- nation. To get that type of clearance, all you have to have is a Federal
- Bureau of Investigation background check, which takes about six months and they
- send federal agents to your home, to your old schools, to all your teachers, to
- your friends, to everybody you put down on your security clearance forms, to
- all your old addresses, your neighbors, everybody that you've worked for, and
- it's embarrassing because they don't tell them what they're checking on. They
- just show them their identification and start asking questions and that's when
- you find out who's your friend and who's not, because a lot of people get
- scared and think, `Bill must've just robbed a bank and I'm not talkin' to him
- anymore.'
- Now once you get that, it's called a `B.I.' and for those of you who
- have received a copy of my service record, look on the first page, the DD Form
- 214 where it says `Security Clearance,' you will see the term `B.I.' That's a
- `Bureau of Investigation' clearance. @{font 1} [Note: The author of this piece
- apparently does not know that "B.I." stands for "Background Investigation".
- CSW]@{font 5} Now at that point, you have the clearance for everything including Top
- Secret and above. What determines what you get to see is `your need to know',
- and the job that you have determines what your need to know is.
- I was assigned to the Intelligence Briefing Team of the Commander in
- Chief of the United States Pacific Fleet, who had to know everything concerning
- his area of operations which was one-half of the Earth's surface; the Indian
- ocean, the Pacific ocean, and all the land masses in between. Believe it or
- not, if we ever go to war, it's the United States Navy that strikes the first
- blow and attempts to keep the enemy at bay while we can get ourselves together,
- at least historically. Nuclear weapons have kind of done away with that
- concept, but military commanders like to talk about it anyway.
- Because of this, you have no conception of the amount of material and
- information that an area commander has to know. It's unbelievable, and he has
- to keep track of this, he has to keep on top of it. He has to know what's
- happening, he has to make the right decisions. Because it's almost humanly
- impossible for anyone to do that, they have what's called a briefing team, and
- it's our job to make sure that he has the correct information, all the time, on
- a 24 hour basis. And every morning, between 8 and 9 AM, we would give a
- briefing which covered everything that happened in the previous 24 hours, and
- everything scheduled to happen in the next 24 hours, and all the pertinent
- intelligence reports that we had received since the last briefing that he
- needed to know and that his staff members needed to know. Occasionally we
- would get messages marked `Top Secret, Magic, Restricted Information,' and it
- would be coded in such a way that all you had were answers to questions which
- you didn't now what the questions were so you really didn't know what the
- message was all about.
- But eventually I found myself in possession, holding two documents; one
- called `Project Grudge,' another one called `Operation Majority.' Project
- Grudge contained the history of alien involvement since around 1936, and it
- began talking about Germany's involvement with a crashed disk that they had
- recovered in 1936 and were attempting to duplicate the technology. They were
- not successful despite what all these Nazi hunters want to tell you. If they
- had been successful, we would not have won the war, because you cannot beat
- those weapons ! You cannot out-fly those craft ! You can't even think about
- it with conventional aircraft. If Germany had been successful, we would now
- have a German flag up in front of this podium.
- They did make some headway. When we went into Penemunde, we captured
- documents, we got some scientists [and] we got some hardware. The Russians
- also got some documents, some scientists and some hardware. It wasn't until
- 1947 that we were able to capture a craft, a whole craft, not all together but
- it was everything. That occurred near the city of Roswell, New Mexico. There
- were dead aliens recovered from the craft. In Project Grudge I saw photographs
- of these dead aliens [and] of the craft. I saw photographs of live aliens. I
- saw photographs of autopsies.....of internal organs, I saw photographs of the
- alien designated `E.B.'[or Ebe] who was held in captivity from 1949 until June
- the 2nd, 1952 when he died. I saw the history of what they had been able to
- put together [at that time], from incidents in the 1800's which involved aliens
- and their craft.
- I saw the names of projects. I saw a project that was to fly recovered
- alien craft that had been recovered intact and undamaged, and some of them were
- recovered intact and undamaged, and how that happened I have no idea. It was
- called `Project Redlight,' and was first conducted from the Tonopah Test Range
- in the Nevada Test Site and then was moved to a specially built area, ordered
- built by President Eisenhower, called `Area-51,' code named `Dreamland,' in the
- Groom dry lake area of the Nevada Test Site, by secret executive order. It
- doesn't exist officially. If you ask anyone, or if you write letters to the
- government, they will tell you it doesn't exist. However, if you go out there
- at several places and see it, fly outside the boundaries and look down and see
- it, you know it's there, but according to the government it doesn't exist.
- The project to test fly these craft was ongoing until sometime in 1962
- when a craft blew up not far from the test sight, in the air, and the explosion
- was seen over a three-state area. The pilots were killed. They [the
- government] had no idea what had happened or why the craft blew up, but they
- put Project Redlight on hold until a later date when the aliens supplied us
- with 3 craft and personnel to help us learn how to fly them craft. That
- project is ongoing [now] and we now have not only alien craft that we are
- flying, we have craft we have built, using the captured technology, and some of
- the UFO's that people report seeing in the United States, and maybe even
- elsewhere, are flown by United States personnel.
- That may come as a shock to you. We have technology 'way beyond the
- limits of what we have been told. A lot of our development technologically
- since the end of World War II has been due to the exchange of technology which
- occurs in the area called `Area-51' on a regular basis ...ongoing.
- When James Oberth (Professor Oberth) retired, many of you don't know
- who he is.....not too many space people in here. Professor Oberth was probably
- one of the greatest rocket scientists and space commentists that ever lived.
- When he retired, the government gave him a special award. There was a press
- conference, all kinds of ceremony, and when he got up to speak he said,
- "Gentlemen," (and I quote professor Oberth) he said, "Gentlemen, we cannot take
- credit for all the technological developments that we have had in the last
- decade. We have had help," and that's where he stopped.
- One of the reporters raised his hand and said, "Professor Oberth, can
- you tell us what other country helped us?"
- He said, "It was those little guys from out in space," and then he got
- down and and would not comment any further. Now remember, this occurred in
- 1959 ! I can go on and on but time doesn't allow it.
- I will tell you ladies and gentlemen that there are all kinds of things
- going on all the time. We are making rapid progress in exposing this. Since I
- have begun talking, people have been coming out of the woodwork at a rapid
- rate.....people who know and have pieces of this puzzle, and are helping us to
- put it together, because I don't have all the answers. I saw an awful lot of
- material. I have remembered an awful lot of it. I have probably, in my
- remembering, made some mistakes, but I guarantee you they're minor ones, if I
- have.
- We have just recently.....for those of you who didn't believe that the
- Jason Society of the Jason Scholars - the secret group existed.....we now have
- a letter from the Pentagon with 51 names of the Jason Scholars.....an admission
- from the Pentagon that they hold the highest security clearances in the
- nation.....an admission from the Pentagon that they hold the protocol rank of
- Rear Admiral and are treated as such on any military installation or in any
- government office. There are 6 Nobel Prize winners on that list ! They are
- the elite of the elite of the scientific world. They are the only ones who
- really know the truth about the technology today and about the real science of
- physics because the science that we're being taught all the time......well, if
- you send your kids to college to learn physics, you're wasting your money
- because they're teaching them stuff that doesn't work. It's not true; it's not
- real. Gravity is not what we think it is. There IS a Unified Theory ! We
- already know what it is. It's what makes those (space)craft work. It's
- absolutely incredible what's going on.
- How many of you keep up with Billy Goodman's show on KVEG out of Las
- Vegas ? For those of you who don't, I would try tuning in on any night between
- 10:00 PM and 1:00 AM. It's 840 on your AM dial, and the subject every night
- are those subjects that no other media person in the United States will touch
- with a 10-foot pole. Every single night except Saturday night. It's the only
- show that you can call in and talk to another caller. You've got 3 minutes to
- say whatever you want to say as long as you don't cuss or swear or slander
- anyone, and every night they're helping to expose this.
- When John Lear and I first said what was going on out at Groom Lake
- everybody said, "You're nuts, there's nothing going on out at Groom Lake!" The
- listeners of the Billy Goodman radio show put together an excursion and went up
- to Groom Lake and they all.....ever since.....every night, they go up there and
- watch them test fly the alien craft ...every night ! The first night they had
- 100 people there. And 100 people saw 4 alien craft fly, doing things that no
- airplane and no helicopter can do. Now they don't tell us anymore that there's
- nothing happening at Groom Lake. What they tell us now is there's no such
- thing as aliens, it's all government secret projects. That's okay because
- we'll prove that wrong too eventually, it just takes awhile. Because where we
- WERE.....it's not where we're AT, and I'm really happy about that.
- Now, if you want to see what's happening right now, keep watching your
- movies, keep watching your television commercials, your alien programs on
- television. Read Whitley Streeper's "Majestic" which is a part of the
- contingency plan called "Majestic" to test the reaction of the population to
- the presence of aliens on the Earth. I have just finished my study of Whitley
- Streeper's book "Majestic," and I'm gonna tell you right now that most of the
- documents in there, that he says are fiction, are real documents that came
- right out of Project Grudge. It is part of the government's campaign to leak
- information out in ways that they can always deny that it's real. There's only
- one thing wrong with the information in that book.....The stories of the
- characters in there I know nothing about. What I'm talking about are the
- supposed government documents that he has in that book. I'm telling you
- tonight they're real. Those are some of the same documents that I saw in
- Project Grudge back between 1970 & 1973, and where we have wondered before, now
- we know that Whitley Streeper IS working for the government. We had a
- suspicion anyway because in the front of his book he states that he got
- information and was helped by the research team of Moore, Shanderey, and
- Friedman. William Moore has publicly admitted on July the 1st that he is an
- agent of the United States Government, and we know that the others are, too.
- This is gonna come out, and the reason they're doing it the way they're
- doing it is they know eventually you're gonna find out that it's all true and
- real. They're desensitizing you so that you're not shocked......so that
- there's no collapse of society as we know it.....so that the religious
- structure doesn't fall to pieces.....so that the stock market doesn't go crazy,
- because these were their original fears. Now, there's nothing we can do about
- the last one because it's already happened. There will be a segment of the
- population that worships the aliens, even though they're no different than
- us.....they're just from somewhere else, and they may look a little different.
- They are not gods. But there are already people worshiping the aliens and they
- predicted this would happen when they slapped the secret stamp all over all
- this stuff.
- You know, there's really nothing wrong with what's been happening
- except for 3 things." (@{font 1}Cooper forgets to mention the 3rd thing, or was
- sidetracked, or included it into the 2nd thing.@{font 5}) "Number one, when they decided
- to keep it secret they needed to finance it, they couldn't tell the public so
- they couldn't tell Congress. They decided to finance it with the importation
- and sale of drugs. Now in the documents that I read, in Operation Majority, it
- specifically stated that when George Bush was the president and CEO of Zapata
- (sp) Oil, he, in conjunction with the CIA, organized the first large scale drug
- importation into this country from South and Central America by fishing boat to
- the offshore oil platforms of Zapata Oil and then from there into the beach,
- thus bypassing all Customs inspections and law enforcement inspections of any
- kind. They are still bringing in drugs, to a limited extent, in this manner.
- Another manner is by CIA contract aircraft which, one of their bases of landing
- is Homestead Air Force Base in Florida. We have affidavits from air
- controllers who have vectored the planes in; who have made sure that they're
- not interfered with in any way. We have affidavits from personnel at Homestead
- Air Force Base who say the planes have been met by Zeb Bush, who's George
- Bush's son. We have affidavits from people who work in the Gulf of Mexico, in
- the offshore oil business, who say "yes indeed, the drugs are coming in, at
- least some of them, from the offshore oil platforms.""
- @{font 1}From the audience came a clear statement, "@{font 5}Just say no ?"
- "Pardon? Right! Just Say No! Well that's what we're gonna do ladies
- and gentlemen with your help ...we are going to say NO, no more! And you gotta
- do it; you gotta act. You either gotta act, or watch your country go down the
- tubes."
- "Now, that's one of the things that's wrong. The next thing that's
- wrong is, to keep the secret, they killed a lot of people who tried to leak it
- out. And if I hadn't done it the way that I did it, you wouldn't be seeing me
- anywhere standing or walking on this Earth now. They killed President Kennedy
- and during the workshop, for those of you haven't seen the tape, I will show
- you, on the tape, who shot the President and why. Between '70 and '73, in
- Operation Majority it stated verbatim that President Kennedy ordered MJ-12 to
- cease the importation and sale of drugs to the American people, that he ordered
- them to impliment a plan to reveal the presence of aliens to the American
- people within the following year. His assassination was ordered by the policy
- committee of the Vilderbergers. MJ-12 implemented the plan and carried it out
- in Dallas. It involved agents of the CIA, Division 5 of the FBI, the Secret
- Service, and the Office of Naval Intelligence. President Kennedy was killed by
- the driver of his car, his name was William Greer. He used a recoilless,
- electrically operated, gas-powered assassination pistol that was specially
- built by the CIA to assassinate people at close range. It fired an explosive
- pellet which injected a large amount of shellfish poison into the brain, and
- that is why, in the documents, it states that President Kennedy's brain was
- removed. If you've studied the case, you will find that indeed his brain
- disappeared. The reason for that is so that they would not find the particles
- of the exploding pellet or the shellfish poison in his brain which would have
- proved conclusively that Lee Harvy Oswald was NOT the assassin. In fact, Lee
- Harvy Oswald never fired a shot. He was the patsy."
- @{font 1}Mr. Cooper paused briefly, and a lady in the audience asked the
- obvious question, "@{font 5}Why haven't YOU been assassinated?"
- "If they were to kill me right now, what would you think?" @{font 1}Cooper
- posed.
- "@{font 5}That it's the truth," @{font 1}several people chimed.
- "@{font 5}I've got `em right where I want `em. If they touch me, everyone who's
- ever heard me talk is gonna be absolutely enraged and is gonna know that
- everything I've said is true. As long as they don't touch me there's gonna be
- some of you who are always gonna be wondering. But eventually we're gonna
- bring enough proof out, and if you're here during the workshop you're gonna see
- an awful lot of it that's gonna prove to you that it's true. It's real. And
- it's happening!"
- "Okay, I've tried to cover a lot of stuff, just briefly, because
- there's no time in 45 minutes to get into anything very much."
- @{font 1}Mr. Cooper then announced the scheduled workshop session the following
- day in which tangible proofs could be seen but regrettably, I was unable to
- attend. He then opened up the floor to questions and answers. A muffled
- question was barely heard coming from the front of the room which in essence
- asked, "@{font 5}What about all the people in the press and others who were in Dallas
- and who saw the assassination? Couldn't they tell where the shot came from,
- why didn't they come forward? There must have been plenty."
- "There was. We know that there was at least 18 who were all murdered
- within 2 years of the event. The odds of that happening are 1 in 300,000
- trillion," @{font 1}Cooper replied.
- Again a muffled question, "@{font 5}Why did the DRIVER have to shoot Kennedy?"
- "Because the other fools missed! There were a total of 3 shots fired
- at President Kennedy, one hit him in the throat and didn't kill him and 2 of
- them hit John Connelly (sp). The one that was fired from the grassy knoll hit
- the President in the throat. The other 2 shots came from directly behind the
- limousine, not the school book depository building, and hit Governor Connelly.
- Governor Connelly, in intelligence community circles, is known as a `can do'
- man, because he took 2 hits and still kept his mouth shut."
- "How is it that the driver, sitting on the front, left-hand side of the
- car was able to blow off the right side of Kennedy's brain when the bullet
- actually entered in, and it would have been virtually impossible..." @{font 1}another
- person asked.
- Mr. Cooper seized the gist of his question and injected, "@{font 5}For those of
- you who have been listening to all these talk show hosts, whose job it is to be
- a talk show host, and who have not done any legitimate research into this, if
- you come to the workshop, I will show you, on the tape, how it was done. You
- will see that Kennedy was, in fact slumped over against Jackie. His head was
- turned (this direction). It was very simple. It was easy and you will see it
- with your own eyes."
- @{font 1}Another muffled, off-mike question from a member of the audience
- inquiring why no one else had come forward with the information Mr. Cooper was
- disseminating, and why those who knew it had kept it secret for so long was
- quickly answered, "@{font 5}It hasn't been, I'm talkin' about it now. Bill English was
- talkin' about it 8 years ago but everybody laughed at Bill English. John
- Lear's been talkin' about it for 3 years and everybody laughed at him. Now
- there's so many people have been talkin' about it, people are startin' to
- listen and it's about time. Because it's about time we that we quit being
- fools, and that's exactly what they think we are and we prove it to them every
- day."
- @{font 1}Almost all of the questions from the audience were to faint to hear.
- The next one dealt with the alien technology and asked in essence, "@{font 5}Hasn't any
- one else (other than the government) come up with the energy technology that
- the aliens have?@{font 1}" to which Mr. Cooper answered, "@{font 5}There's been quite a few
- people who've come up with it and they've ALL been stopped, and they'll all
- continue to be stopped. Because once you have it you have FREE ENERGY. Once
- you have free energy they no longer have power over you. You understand?
- That's why they stop it."
- @{font 1}Another question asking, "@{font 5}In the film of the assassination which was
- examined greatly by experts, why didn't THEY conclude that Kennedy's driver
- shot him?", @{font 1}to which Cooper asked, "@{font 5}Examined by WHO greatly?"@{font 1}, and continued,
- "@{font 5}Most of the film that you can purchase has that segment cut out, and you can
- always tell it by the person running in the background, they'll run up to
- here... all of a sudden they'll be down here... running. You will see in
- most of the clips that you've ever seen on television, or in the movies, or
- that you're able to get your hands on, you'll see William Greer start to turn
- like this...@{font 1}", then a muffled comment from the audience, then Cooper answered,
- "@{font 5}That's because they clipped it out ! And on a lot of them, I'll bet
- you.....most of you.....every time you've seen the clip on television, you
- never looked at the driver anyway. If you're really honest with yourself, and
- with me, you know your eyes were right on Kennedy."
- @{font 1}A woman asked if any of the alien technology was being used in
- present-day military equipment and was answered, "@{font 5}Yes, there's a lot of alien
- technology contained in the Stealth bomber. That's right. The Stealth fighter
- was flying for 10 years before you even knew it existed."
- @{font 1}As the hour drew late another question, more clearly stated, was asked
- of Mr. Cooper by a woman closer to my ears, "@{font 5}Before you let us all out of
- here, there's a bunch of us here wondering what can we all do to help bring
- this all out?"
- @{font 1}A single word, "@{font 5}REVOLT@{font 1}" issued from several listeners simultaneously
- but Cooper responded, "@{font 5}Don't revolt. What you need to do is what you should
- have been doing all along. You need to get involved with your government. The
- first thing you need to do is purchase a copy of the Constitution, which I know
- that most of you don't have anywhere in your house, and if I were to go around
- this room and ask each person what the Constitution says, most of you couldn't
- tell me what the Constitution says from your grocery bill. And that's the
- truth ! And that IS your country ! So, if you don't know what your
- Constitution is, you're dead already ! So the first thing you do is you get a
- copy of your Constitution. The second thing you do is you learn it ! The
- third thing you do is you start calling your senators and your representatives,
- and the President of the United States and you start leaning on them, and you
- tell them, "Unless you straighten up the government, and unless we start
- getting the truth, and I mean the whole truth, and no more of this baloney,
- this's the last job you're ever gonna have, period ! And I'll do everything in
- my power to make sure that comes true." And then write them, frequently, saying
- the same thing. And then when they're in your area, in their area offices,
- take a little delegation and go see them, and make them understand that they're
- gonna be living in poverty because they're not gonna have a job anymore come
- election day. You see, the secret government may own the Executive Branch, but
- you people, all of us, we own the Congress, and the Congress makes the laws,
- and the Congress can impeach the entire Executive Branch ! You also have the
- right to petition the government for a redress of injuries. So you ARE
- powerful, you've just forgotten that you're powerful. You've forgotten that
- that voting that you haven't been doing every time election comes
- around.....that vote you didn't make has abdicated your power. That vote you
- did not cast abdicated your power and gave it to those who are subverting the
- Constitution and are ruining this country."
- @{font 1}A gentleman then asked, "@{font 5}What was traded to the aliens for their
- technology?"
- "People and animals," @{font 1}replied Cooper succinctly.
- Another man asked, "@{font 5}Is the Soviet Union in on any of this?"
- "The Soviet Union and the United States of America have been close
- allies since the end of World War II and have been closely participating in the
- secret space program all this time. The Soviets have the same thing we have.
- Yes. What you see happening in the Soviet block right now is not the result of
- people standing up and saying, "We want to be free." It's the result of the
- international bankers saying, "You tear down these barriers, and you meet the
- West half way, give your people some freedom, the West is gonna take some
- freedom away from their people so that we can put together a one-world economic
- system.....and have all the power." That's what's happening! If you don't
- believe it, stick around and watch it!"
- @{font 1}A dubious woman then asked, "@{font 5}Why was the shellfish poison necessary? A
- lot of his brain was blown off anyway."
- @{font 1}Cooper: "@{font 5}The shellfish poison? If you go to kill someone, one thing
- I've learned....I learned it real good. I learned it especially good when I
- went to Viet Nam.....just `cause you shoot someone doesn't mean they're gonna
- die. And if they don't die, they're gonna be MAD. And if they've got a gun,
- you're dead. So you want the first time to be the last time. So if you really
- want to to kill somebody you don't play around. If you REALLY want to kill
- somebody ...you KILL them ! You don't play. You make sure that when you shoot
- them, they're dead. That way they can't hurt you.....can't hurt you at all."
- @{font 1}Regrettably, the next question was totally unintelligible, I was
- thankful however that Mr. Cooper had a good public address system to amplify
- his reply, "@{font 5}The first moon landing was May the 22nd, 1962... or excuse me,
- that was the first landing on Mars. I'm sorry, May the 22nd, 1962 was the
- winged probe that used a hydrozine propeller, flew around approximately 3
- orbits and landed on May the 22nd, 1962, was a joint United States-Russian
- endeavor. The first time that we landed on the moon was sometime during
- the.....probably middle 50's, because at the time when President Kennedy stated
- that he wanted a man to set foot on the moon by the end of the decade we
- already had a base there."
- "What about Mars?" @{font 1}came another quick question.
- "@{font 5}We have a base on Mars also," @{font 1}Cooper calmly replied.
- "@{font 5}When did that happen?"
- "I don't know the exact date but I know the project's name. It was
- "Adam and Eve"."
- "How long have you known about this?"
- "Well, I revealed it publicly for the first time on July the 2nd, 1989,
- and within 3-weeks of the time I revealed it publicly, the government, to get
- the American people not to listen to me, came out and said that they planned to
- build a base on the moon and a colony on Mars. Now, 3 days previous to my
- speech, representatives from NASA said, `We can never have a colony on Mars,
- it's impossible that there's a colony on Mars because Mars is a dead planet.'
- And it's NOT a dead planet, they've lied to you about Mars."
- "My name is Dave (unintelligible), I'm a representative of the Crystic
- Institute, and I'd like to know why it was that when we sent a representative
- down to your home, at your request, you failed to produce any documentation to
- substantiate your allegations."
- "In the first place it was NOT at my request, I have never contacted
- the Crystic Institute in my life. I was on the Carol Hemingway Show. She
- contacted the Crystic institute. She told Daniel Shehan (sp) that I had just
- said something about Bush and drugs on her show. HE called ME and told me he
- wanted to send an investigator. In fact, he told me to even help the
- investigator because he was new at the job. His name was Wayne Nelson. He is
- a very good gentleman. He stayed at my house for 2 days, slept overnight on my
- couch, I gave him everything I had. I never told Daniel Shehan that I had any
- documents and I never told Wayne Nelson that I had any documents. In fact what
- I told Wayne Nelson, and I quote, `Wayne, if I did have the documents I
- couldn't admit it and I don't know you from Adam, and I don't know Daniel
- Shehan from Adam and what makes you think I would give them to you.' Who am I
- going to give them to and how quick are they going to disappear, that was my
- thought. Wayne Nelson also came to my house with a stack of documents this
- thick already substantiating the presence of aliens and extraterrestrial craft
- on this planet, and they are keeping it a secret, because they're afraid
- somebody'll laugh at them and they'll loose their credibility."
- "We need some patriots in this country, not people trying to make a
- name for themselves, trying to expose some drug runners, because those are just
- the bag-men. The real crook is in the White House! And you can tell THAT to
- Daniel Shehan!"
- "Why didn't Jackie Kennedy report (the source of the lethal shot)?"
- @{font 1}asked another audience member.
- "@{font 5}Who's she gonna tell? The Secret Service just killed her husband and
- they're assigned to protect the President. Also, who had her children? The
- same Secret Service had her children at the time."
- "Wasn't the craft at Roswell, New Mexico destroyed and all the aliens
- killed?" @{font 1}another young man asked.
- "@{font 5}All the aliens were dead but the craft was not completely destroyed.
- It was severely damaged; yes."
- @{font 1}On an unrelated note an older gentleman asked, "@{font 5}Does that mean that
- `Alternative 3' is true?"
- "Alternative 3 is absolutely true and so is `Alternative 2'."
- @{font 1}Then a man in his late 20's or early 30's raised his hand, said
- something I couldn't hear, and was apparently recognized by Mr. Cooper, who
- asked him to take the podium and address the audience.
- "@{font 5}What I said was that I thanked him (Cooper) very much for coming
- forward and saying something. A lot of my friends out here know that I was
- involved in the United States Special Forces, UFO Tracking and Research from
- the years 1971 to 1975. My name is Richard Murray, I was based out of the 71st
- Tac Controll Flight, McDill Air Force Base, Tampa, Florida. We were "Mobile
- Radar Command," that was combat and war ready. We could be loaded on aircraft
- within an hour and many times were taken into areas (to) set up radar. A lot
- of times we were set up around Egland (sp) Air Force Base because that's where
- they have the "Altered Temperature Weather Control", where they can test
- various aircraft for their shrinkage and their dimension change during altered
- temperature. So, you know, I was told to shut up twice in 1982 and they
- finally threatened my parents life so I stayed quiet, and, that's when Wendel
- Stevens was taken off the streets... Just like that! And I hid for quite
- awhile, and decided to come back out when I heard that you're (Cooper) of such
- high rank as you were, and I felt just in saying that your credentials are
- true, and that what you have to say, everything you've said here today, I've
- heard before behind closed doors. And you've really tied the link for me to
- the Kennedy killing. And there's a few more links that have to go on with the
- Columbia Cartel and the money laundering. I think there's more than one cartel
- involved, and they're shutting one of them down so one can maintain a power, it
- just seems to be the way it works."
- @{font 1}A muffled question then came from someone in the audience regarding the
- person referred to as "Colonel Stevens."
- "@{font 5}Oh, Colonel Stevens is out of jail now," @{font 1}replied Murray who was
- quickly asked another question I couldn't hear to which he answered, "@{font 5}I sure
- hope to hell so, he is a wonderful man and I give him my utmost respect and it
- was one of the saddest days in my life to see what happened to him happen to
- him. But I don't care what they say about Wendel Stevens, in my heart you
- can't discredit that man to me. I don't care who the hell you are. I won't
- listen to it, I don't give a shit if he was screwin' babies. You know... that
- doesn't... he's not that kind of a man, I don't care what you say, I know him
- personally."
- @{font 1}The lecture was then essentially over. The "Alternative-2 and-3" that
- were referred to briefly are, to the best of my knowledge, two government
- contingency plans and I don't know which is which. To 1: Declare Martial Law
- and invalidate the Constitution on the premise that a terrorist group had
- entered the country with a Nuclear weapon with plans to detonate it in a major
- city. All dissidents would be rounded up and placed in concentration camps and
- the press and media would be nationalized. All this, if the information
- becomes public before they want it to or if the aliens attempt a takeover, and
- 2: Another contingency plan to contain or delay the release of this
- information, the details of which I am probably wrong about anyway.
- My own personal reaction to Milton William Cooper; Mr. Cooper is a man who
- appears to be in his late fourties, of medium height and weight, and was
- dressed casually when I saw him. His hairline was receding slightly and he
- carried himself with confidence and purpose. Bill Cooper, as he was called by
- several in attendance, is not a professional speaker. His presentation lacked
- the polish of repeated deliveries which all the other lectures I heard during
- the Expo. had, but what it lacked in fine tuning was easily made up for in its
- content. Whether or not everyone in the audience was convinced of his
- sincerity I do not know, but the thunderous peal of applause which exploded as
- he concluded the session spoke for me and the majority of those in attendance.
- I am convinced beyond any reasonable doubt that Bill Cooper believes everything
- he said, and I'm about as skeptical as they come.